Dear Counseling Psychology community,

I hope this finds you all well, and look forward to our virtual APA activities this week!

I am happy to announce that the SCP Executive Board voted this week to provide a singular endorsement of Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis for APA President.

Dr. Bryant-Davis' platform is "Thriving in a Post Pandemic World: Applying Psychological Science to Enhance People's Lives." Her areas of focus include Healing Trauma and Loss, Addressing Inequities and Oppression, Holistic Therapies (attending to body, spirituality and culture), Recreating Community, and Engaging the Arts.

Her website is

The APA voting period will begin in mid September, and we urge all Counseling Psychologists to vote.

Dr. Bryant-Davis completed her doctorate in clinical psychology at Duke University and her post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical Center's Victims of Violence program, which provides intervention and prevention programming to combat sexual assault, sexual harassment, and harassment based on sexual orientation. She has been a faculty member at Lesley University and California State University, Long Beach.

She is currently a tenured professor of psychology in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University, where she directs the Culture and Trauma Research Laboratory. Dr. Bryant-Davis teaches Trauma in Diverse Populations, Clinical Skills, Social Foundations of Psychology, and Advanced Multicultural Psychology. She has chaired the graduate school's Institutional Review Board to ensure ethical treatment of research participants and she served as supervisor at the Union Rescue Mission where graduate students provide therapy to persons facing housing insecurity. She is the recipient of several APA and other awards for her scholarship and social justice work and has served in editorial board roles throughout her career.

Numerous Counseling Psychologists are part of Dr. Bryant-Davis' election campaign and are listed on the above website.

We are honored to endorse Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis for the leadership and vision she will provide to APA.

Mary O'Leary Wiley, PhD, ABPP
President, Society of Counseling Psychology
(Division 17 of the American Psychological Association)