SCP Listservs


This page describes all LISTSERVs associated with the Society of Counseling Psychology, Division 17 of the American Psychological Association.

The Division has a general LISTSERV (Div17Discuss), an announcement-only LISTSERV (Div17Announce ), and other LISTSERVs used by various SCP sections, special interest groups (SIGs), and special task groups (STGs).

The general membership LISTSERV(Div17Discuss) is used to facilitate timely dissemination of information to its membership, such as job postings, other position opportunities, and research projects. The announcement-only LISTSERV, on the other hand, is used to facilitate timely dissemination of information from the SCP President to SCP members and primarily consists of monthly updates.  Other LISTSERVs are used at the discretion of the group sponsoring the LISTSERV to advance the mission and purpose of the group.

All LISTSERVs are hosted by the American Psychological Association and administered by SCP's Interim Listserv Alexis Rhames (Contact). All subscription processes are being managed by the administrator.

Who can subscribe to the LISTSERVs?

Subscriptions are restricted to Division 17 members and Student Affiliates. Visit APA membership or Division 17 membership for information on how to become a member. Subscription to section, SIG, and STG LISTSERVs also requires membership in that group.

How do I subscribe to the LISTSERVs?

To subscribe to the Discuss, Announce, or the Student Affiliates of Division 17 LISTSERVs, send an email to Alexis Rhames (Contact)For other section, SIG, or STG LISTSERVs, please contact the communications officer of that group to request addition or see if your group has a listserv.

How do I post to a LISTSERV?

Please review detailed policies and procedures about general postings and postings of research requests.

If you already are a member of a LISTSERV to which you want to send information, all you need to do is address your e-mail to that LISTSERV address.

Alternatively, if you wish only to request posting of information on the group’s LISTSERV, you can e-mail the contact person and request permission to distribute your information. Once permission is granted, the contact person will post your information.

Are LISTSERV messages archived?

To review the archives of posted messages, navigate to the following page (requires you to register for an APA LISTSERV password):

Any questions about SCP LISTSERVs should be sent to Alexis Rhames (Contact).

List of D17 LISTSERVs:

SCP Digital Community Policy

For Listserv guidelines, please see the SCP Digital Community Policy.