Fellowship Nominations

Fellow status is an honor bestowed upon APA Members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. Election to Fellow status requires evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology. National impact must be demonstrated.

Read a brief summary of some of the frequently asked questions when considering application for Fellow status in Division 17 or when writing endorsement letters for nominees.

The Division 17 Fellows Chair for 2024-2025 is Lisa Flores, Ph.D. at the University of Missouri. She can be reached at floresly@missouri.edu. Dr. Flores is happy to consult and talk about the Fellows process with any SCP member.

Fellows Nominations due September 20, 2024, 5:00 pm, ET
Fellows Applications due October 25, 2024, 5:00 pm, ET

The Application Process

Step 1: Nomination

September 20, 2024 is the deadline for all persons (including individuals who already are Fellows in other divisions) to be considered a Fellow through Division 17. Anyone can make a nomination and self-nominations are welcome. To make a nomination, email the Chair of the Division 17 Fellows Committee the name of the nominee, their email address, and their Vita.  To nominate yourself, please e-mail the Chair of the Division Fellows Committee your Vita.

There are two types of Fellows.

1.   Initial Fellows are those who are not currently a Fellow of APA. This process involves the APA Fellows Committee and approval of the Board of Directors.  Review APA’s Introduction to Fellow Status Also consult this webpage to learn how to submit your application if you are applying to be considered as an Initial Fellow.

2.   Current Fellows are Fellows through another division of APA and wish to be recognized as Fellows in Division 17.

Step 2: Application

October 25, 2024 is the due date for the completed application. The Fellows Committee’s recommendations are based on criteria established by the nominating division. Learn more about Division 17’s criteria and application process: Division 17′s criteria for nominations.

1.   For initial Fellows, the submission process will be performed electronically through APA (APA’s Introduction to Fellow Status). The material includes:

a.   A Uniform Fellows Application (UFA) through APA (see APA’s Introduction to Fellow Status or detailed instructions under Initial APA Fellow Application section);

b.   A self-statement detailing contributions, evidence to substantiate the contributions, and impact on counseling psychology as indicated in the primary criteria above:

c.    A current vita (prepared as noted in the UFA);

d.   Three letters of endorsement from APA Fellows, at least two of whom are SCP Fellows, that document how the nominee has met the primary criteria discussed above;

e.   The Qualification Self-Checklist for Prospective Applicants for Fellow Status.

2.   For current Fellows, all materials are due by email to the Fellows Chair of Division 17  This includes:

a.   A current vita;

b.   A self-statement detailing contributions, evidence to substantiate the contributions, and impact on counseling psychology as indicated in the primary criteria above, and

c.    One letter of recommendation from an SCP Fellow that documents how the nominee has met the primary criteria discussed above.