Call for Applications for the Next Editor of
the Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion
Revised 7-9-2024

Nominations (including self-nominations) are sought for Editor of the Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion (JPHP). JPHP is an interdisciplinary scholarly publication sponsored by the Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP) and SCP’s Prevention Section. JPHP is dedicated to the dissemination of information in the field of prevention science and wellness promotion. Contributions focus on prevention and wellness promotion: theory, research, practice, advocacy, training, or a combination of these topics. The Editor of JPHP, one of two journals sponsored by the Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP), is a member of the Society’s Communications and Technology Board but is not required to be a counseling psychologist. The Editor shall assume responsibility for the content of JPHP and maintain a relationship with the publisher. The Editor recommends to the Society’s Executive Board for approval contract negotiations with the publisher, policy changes, and new appointments to the editorial board. The Editor shall be appointed by the SCP Executive Board for a 6-year term, which runs from 2026-2032, with a 12-18-month period of responsibilities as Editor-elect prior to the commencement of the formal term.

Application materials should include 1) a cover letter that includes a statement of interest in the position; a description of relevant editorial, publication, and leadership experience; a description of experience and engagement with the field of counseling psychology; and a vision for the future of JPHP; 2) a vita; and 3) three letters of support that address the criteria for the next JPHP Editor. These application materials will be used to determine who best matches the criteria (listed below) for selecting the next editor of JPHP

Nominations and application materials (electronic, please) should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee: Martin Heesacker [email protected] by September 15, 2024.

The selection committee also includes Lisa De La Rue, Ryan Duffy, Nwakaego Nmezi, Xiang Zhou, with current JPHP editor Sally Hage serving ex officio.


Criteria for selecting the next Editor of the Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion (JPHP)

     1. A well-articulated vision for JPHP, including

a. a broad view of prevention scholarship and scholarship on the promotion of health, and an understanding of the role of counseling psychology in health promotion;
b. the identification of future directions, needs, and critical issues in health promotion scholarship during the next ten years;
c. moving beyond the traditional boundaries of psychology and to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary scholarship, including other behavioral, social, and health sciences;
d. deployment of an array of approaches, including digital approaches, to promote JPHP and its contents to diverse constituencies nationally and internationally.

     2. The ability to promote and enhance high quality scholarship, including

a. a demonstrated record of high-quality, nationally recognized scholarship;
b. extensive experience and expertise in scholarly publishing, manuscript reviewing, and journal/book editing;
c. promotion of diverse scholarly conceptualizations and empirical research methods (including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods); 
d. demonstrated commitment to supporting the development and refinement of manuscripts through author education and mentoring.

    3. The capacity to oversee and manage a large publication enterprise, including

a. strong leadership, management, and communication skills, supported by a commitment to integrity, and professional standards and ethics;
b. an understanding of budgeting and financial management;
c. the ability to determine and maintain the journal’s publishing schedule, effectively manage the stream of incoming manuscripts, and adjust the manuscript queue to fill journal issues on schedule;
d. maintaining productive, collaborative, and collegial relationships with the outgoing editor and associate editors and later with incoming associate editors;
e. a commitment to increase the journal’s impact ratings by understanding and influencing factors that affect impact ratings;
f. effective use of technology.

    4. A strong commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice, including

a. a strong demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice, as well as appreciation for multicultural, cross-cultural, and international issues, and the new SCP values statement:;
b. the ability to promote publications and solicit manuscript submissions that thoughtfully engage issues pertaining to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice;
c. the ability to recruit and retain a diverse editorial and production team (e.g., associate editors, editorial board, ad hoc reviewers, staff).
d. support for JPHP’s recent addition of APA’s Journal Article Reporting Standards–Race, Ethnicity, and Culture (JARS-REC; to the Journal’s list of expectations for authors.

    5. An appreciation for the responsibilities associated with JPHP’s home in SCP, including

a. a vision for JPHP that promotes and reflects the values of counseling psychology;
b. the capacity to creatively and effectively reach out to diverse SCP members;
c. knowledge of SCP as a professional organization, as well as of psychology in general;
d. the ability to represent the interests, vision, and goals of JPHP to SCP and SCP leadership;
e. the ability to engage with important stakeholders, including SCP, APA, the journal publisher, prevention and health promotion organizations and scholars, relevant media outlets, and others.

Nominations and application materials (electronic, please) should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee: Martin Heesacker [email protected] by September 15, 2024.

View the Call for Applications for the Next Editor of The Counseling Psychologist