2024-2025 Society of Counseling Psychology Awards


Please read the following announcement and call for nominations.

Co-Chairs, Michael Gale [he/him] ([email protected]) and Alex Pieterse [he/him] ([email protected]) on behalf of SCP, are requesting nominations for the following Division 17 Awards:


Important Links:

  1. Division 17 Awards Pre-Call for Nominations



How to Nominate a Member

The committee has updated the nomination process in efforts to promote increased accessibility and equity. We hope this process 1) increases participation, 2) expands the nomination pool and 3) addresses biases in the nomination process.

Please consider self-nominations and nominations of individuals and collectives with limited resources, whose creativity and innovation is having lasting impact on their communities.Also, we ask that you assist us by forwarding this call for nominations to a colleague who you believe may not regularly access division-affiliated listervs (i.e. non-academic, practice-focused academic, internship training site/director, community mental health practitioner, private practice psychologist, university/college counseling staff/director, consultation and training communities, etc.).

Completion of the nomination form should take approximately 15 minutes, and nominators will be instructed to upload a nomination packet. 

Members of the Division 17 Awards and Recognition Committee and members of the Executive Board may make nominations. However, if they do so, they must withdraw from the voting process related to any nominee for whom they have written a letter of support. Announcement of all award winners is made at the annual APA Convention (all award recipients are notified confidentially prior to the convention). Current members of the Division 17 Executive Board are not eligible for these awards during their term of office.




Professional Awards Submission Annual Deadline: Wednesday, January 31st, 2025 -- Deadline extended to February 14th, 2025.

Nominations should include and be limited to the following: (a) no more than three supporting letters, one of which should be a letter of nomination (from self or other) and no more than two additional letters of support from psychologists; all letters should directly address how the nominee meets the criteria for the specific award; (b) a copy of the nominee’s vita.


  • Nomination materials must be combined into one PDF document titled with nominee’s name and award name. For example, “Linda Jackson SOCIAL JUSTICE AWARD.pdf”. Submissions that are not in one PDF will not be reviewed. Nominations that are incomplete or that include more materials than required (more than three letters, for instance) will not be reviewed.

  • Submit only one nomination per form. Emailed, faxed or mailed submissions will not be accepted. (If you don’t have access to Internet, please work with a colleague who does). Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • Please notify one of the committee chairs via email at [email protected] if you would like to resubmit a nomination packet from last year.

  • Please let the committee co-chairs know if there are ways that we can make the nomination process more accessible. Questions and suggestions can be emailed to [email protected].




Student Awards Submission Annual Deadline: Friday, March 3th, 2025

  • Nomination materials must be combined into one PDF document titled with nominee’s name and award name. For example, “Linda Jackson SUPER.pdf”. Submissions that are not in one PDF will not be reviewed. Nominations that are incomplete or that include more materials than required will not be reviewed. Late submissions will not be reviewed.

  • Submit only one nomination per form. Emailed, faxed or mailed submissions will not be accepted. (If you don’t have access to internet, please work with a colleague who does). Late submissions will not be accepted.



Winner Announcement

Announcement of all award winners is made at the annual APA Convention. All Award recipients are notified confidentially prior to the convention.

A list of past SCP award recipients may be viewed here.