Lifetime Achievement Award
The lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a professional of more than twenty (20) years of experience who has demonstrated a long history of significant contribution in international counseling psychology in more than one of the following areas: (a) international counseling psychology research; (b) cross-cultural collaboration; and (c) service or training with an international focus.
Excellent Contribution Award
The Excellent Contribution Award recognizes a professional of between ten (10) and twenty (20) years of experience who has demonstrated significant contribution in international counseling psychology in recent years in one or more of the following areas: (a) international counseling psychology research; (b) cross-cultural collaboration; and (c) service or training with an international focus.
Application Requirements for Lifetime Achievement and Excellent Contribution Awards:
Application submissions must fit with the mission of the Section to encourage, promote, and facilitate the scientist-professional model of counseling psychology in international contexts in the U.S. and around the globe. The award winner(s) will receive a plaque and will be invited to give a speech at the section’s International Scholars’ Breakfast hosted by the International Section during the APA convention. The award winner(s) will also be acknowledged in the International Section Newsletter. To be eligible for these awards, applicants must be a counseling psychologist or a counselor anywhere around the world, and they must be members of the International Section. Members of the Executive Board are not eligible for the award.
Application/support materials should include the following items:
- For research-based contribution, submit a descriptive summary of the candidate’s international research, including references (maximum three pages, 12-point font). The work may be published, in press, and/or ongoing projects. For contribution based on collaboration or service/training, submit a two-page summary addressing the areas of requirement.
- One letter of support (if more than one person would like to provide a letter of support, please synthesize the letters and submit only one document).
- The applicant’s curriculum vitae
Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award
The Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award recognizes an international psychology research project that is done by a graduate student. Projects can be empirical or non-empirical but must fit with the mission of the Section to encourage, promote, and facilitate the scientist-professional model of counseling psychology in international contexts in the U.S. and around the globe. If the project has been published, published articles within 2 years are eligible for this award. The award winner will receive a plaque at the Section’s International Scholars’ Breakfast hosted by the International Section during the APA convention and will be acknowledged in our International Section’s Newsletter. To be eligible for this award, applicants must be (at the time of their application) enrolled in a graduate program in counseling or counseling psychology anywhere around the world, and they must be members of the International Section.
Application/support materials should include the following items:
- A 500-1000 word summary of the project
- A letter of support from either the training director or the student’s project advisor.
- The applicant’s curriculum vitae
ICP Award Recipients
2024 Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Hung-Bin Sheu, University at Albany, SUNY Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: Li-Cih (Wendy) Hsu, M.S. (Advisor: Dr. Donnie Davis, Ph.D.)
2023 Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Kenneth Wang, Fuller Theological Seminary Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: NaYeon Yang, M.Ed., University of Maryland-College Park (Advisor: Dr. Karen M. O'Brien)
2022 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Meifen Wei, Iowa State University Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Yu-Wei Wang, University of Maryland-College Park Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: Haram Kim, M.A., University of Florida (Advisor: Dr. Ryan Duffy)
2021 Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Senel Poyrazli, The Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: P. F. Jonah Li, Indiana University Bloomington
2020 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. John L. Romano, University of Minnesota Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Andres Consoli, University of California, Santa Barbara Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: Kokou Amenyona Atitsogbe, University of Lausanne in Switzerland
2019 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Thomas M. Skovholt, University of Minnesota Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Ayşe Çiftçi, Purdue University Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: Brian TaeHyuk Keum, University of Maryland-College Park
Lifetime Achievement Award: None Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Sung-Kyung Yoo, Ewha Woman’s University Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: Elizabeth Farrah Louis, University of Georgia
Lifetime Achievement: Dr. Louise Douce, Ohio State University
Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Mark Leach, University of Louisville
Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: Dr. Nupur Sahai, Southern Illinois University
Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Y. Barry Chung, Indiana University
Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award: Hui Xu, Arizona State University (Advisor: Dr. Terence Tracey)
2015 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Alvin Seung-Ming Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Arpana Inman, Lehigh University Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Theodore Bartholomew, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Advisor: Dr. Michael Scheel)
2014 Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Jeffrey Prince, University of California, Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Jennifer Mootz, Texas Women’s University (Advisor: Dr. Sally Stabb)
2013 Excellent Contribution Award: Dr. Linda Forrest, University of Oregon & Dr. Sharon G. Horne, University of Massachusetts Boston Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Yi Du, Iowa State University (Advisor: Dr. Meifen Wei)
2012 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Anthony J. Marsella, University of Hawaii & Dr. Larry Gerstein, Ball State University Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Dr. Hung Chiao, University of Missouri-Columbia (Advisor: Dr. Puncky Heppner)
2011 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Puncky Paul Heppner, University of Missouri-Columbia Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Elena S. Yakunina, University of Akron (Advisor: Dr. Ingrid Weigold)
2010 Lifetime Achievement Award: Drs. Itamar Gati, Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Jeff McWhirter, Arizona State University Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Reid Trotter, University of Missouri-Columbia (Advisor: Dr. Puncky Heppner)
2009 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Paul Pedersen, Syracuse University Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Daniel Hess, University of Minnesota (Advisor: Dr. Michael Goh) & Huan J. Ye, University of Florida (Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Rice)
2008 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Fred Leong, Michigan State University Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Nicholas Scull, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Advisor: Dr. Stephen Quintana)
2007 Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Mark Savickas, Northeastern Ohio Universities Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Arunya Tuicomepee, University of Minnesota (Advisor: Dr. John Romano)