Health Section Awards

For information about award submission dates, please look out for announcements on the Section listserv, Facebook Page, or contact the current Division 17  Membership Chair.

Early career award for excellence in counseling health psychology 

Award announcement: The Health Section of Division 17 is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for the Early Career Award to a counseling health psychologist within 10 years of doctoral degree for excellence in research, practice, teaching, service, or advocacy. Applicants should display commitment to the science and practice of counseling psychology in health related contexts either through research with medical, rehabilitation, or related populations, direct service to individuals across their lifespan (e.g., prevention, adjustment to and recuperation from illness, healthy lifestyle changes, psychological concomitants of medical illnesses), teaching and training of graduate students or the education of other health care professionals, or involvement with health policy and advocacy. The award winner will receive a plaque and be invited to speak at the Educational Offering of the Division 17 Health Section during the APA convention.

Application/support materials should include the following:
· One letter of support
· Current vita

All materials to be submitted electronically to Counseling Health Psychology Membership Chair as one document to

Mid-career award for excellence in counseling health psychology
Award announcement: The Health Section of Division 17 is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for the Early Career Award to a counseling health psychologist between 10-20 years of doctoral degree for excellence in research, practice, teaching, service, or advocacy. Applicant should display a commitment to the science and practice of counseling psychology in health related contexts either through research with medical, rehabilitation, or related populations, direct service to individuals across their lifespan (e.g., prevention, adjustment to and recuperation from illness, healthy lifestyle changes, psychological concomitants of medical illnesses), teaching and training of graduate students or the education of other health care professionals, or involvement with health policy and advocacy. The award winner will receive a plaque and be invited to speak at the Educational Offering of the Division 17 Health Section during the APA convention.

Application/support materials should include the following:
· One letter of support
· Current vita

All materials to be submitted electronically to Counseling Health Psychology Chair Elect as one document to

Distinguished career award for excellence in counseling health psychology
Award announcement: The Health Section of Division 17 is seeking nominations (including self-nominations) for a counseling health psychologist with a distinguished contribution for excellence in research, practice, teaching, service, or advocacy. Applicants should display a commitment to the science and practice of counseling psychology in health related contexts either through research with medical, rehabilitation, or related populations, direct service to individuals across their lifespan (e.g., prevention, adjustment to and recuperation from illness, healthy lifestyle changes, psychological concomitants of medical illnesses), teaching and training of graduate students or the education of other health care professionals, or involvement with health policy and advocacy. The award winner will receive a plaque and be invited to speak at the Educational Offering of the Division 17 Health Section during the APA convention.

Application/support materials should include the following:
· One letter of support
· Current vita

All materials to be submitted electronically to Counseling Health Psychology Membership Chair as one document to