Welcome to SCP Connect!SCP Connect is the premier online portal for news, information, and stories related to counseling psychology and the Society of Counseling Psychology. SCP Connect publishes content under a number of different categories (e.g.,Op-Eds, SCP Reports, Conference Info) relevant to counseling psychologists, undergraduate and graduate students interested in health service psychology, allied mental health professionals, and the general public. This content is published in the form of individual posts, which are posted to a specific category and labeled with one or more “tags” (e.g., Practice, Early Career Professionals, Diversity), which allow website visitors to easily and quickly find content of interest to them. Each post has a unique URL that can be bookmarked and social media buttons at the bottom of the post that make sharing the post with others (via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) easy. To submit content for consideration for posting to SCP Connect, please use the SCP Connect Submissions form page. The SCP Connect Team will consider all submissions and may request/make edits to the content to ensure appropriate fit with the format of SCP Connect and the mission and values of the Society of Counseling Psychology. More detailed information about how and what to submit to SCP Connect, as well as how to apply to join the SCP Connect Team will be forthcoming. Posted on: July 8th, 2015 |