Dear Colleagues:

D17 Denver-666I am honored to serve as the 2016-2017 Fellows Chair for SCP and I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all our new Fellows and current Fellows of other divisions who were recognized during the Fellows program at APA.

I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to consider nominating yourself or others for APA Fellow status in Division 17. Nominations are due September 23, 2016 and completed applications are due October 21, 2015. You can nominate someone by simply emailing me ([email protected]) the person’s name, email address, and Vita. Note that self-nominations are encouraged as well!

The APA Fellows application website is now active at .  The webpage has all the information you need to apply for fellow status as well as helpful information for endorsers on writing and submitting letters.  The current SCP Fellows Webpage is currently being updated, so please check back soon for any additional or updated information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I’m happy to help out with any of your questions and I look forward to receiving your nominations.


Toti Perez
Chair, APA Division 17 Fellows Committee

Tags: Posted on: August 17th, 2016