Presidential Announcements - March 2018
Dear SCP Members and Affiliate Colleagues:
The storms both external and internal have continued to impact our lives. Another order banning transgender individuals from serving in the military was released Friday night. APA has released a statement against the policy and the “misuse of psychological science to stigmatize transgender Americans and to justify limiting their ability to serve in uniform and access medically necessary healthcare.”
However, I feel hopeful. Not only are we moving into better weather, some tides are changing. We had a good representation of Division 17 members at the recent March for Our Lives in Washington, D.C. and in other parts of the nation. I know that for me it was very empowering and affirming to see our next generation speaking up and demanding more accountability. It is also heartening to see our members – professionals and students engage in a dialogue about the impact of the “conscience rights” on the divisional listserv. These recent events and conversations continue to highlight the importance of our clinical, scholarly, as well as advocacy work in our communities
With that said, here are some March Announcements:
New TCP Editor You may be aware Lydia Buki’s term as Editor of TCP will be ending in 2019. She has done an amazing job with the journal and we thank her for her service. With the ending of her term, I had put together a search committee, chaired by Kathy Bieschke to select a new editor for TCP. The committee members were Will Liu, Bonnie Morardi, Michael Mobley, and Rachel Navarro. We are delighted to inform you that Bryan Kim will be the incoming editor of TCP, starting his term in August 2018. He brings significant expertise to lead this important Journal. Please join me in thanking the search committee for an excellent job done and for welcoming Bryan Kim to this position. For more on Bryan Kim please see here.
Call for TCP AE’s Applications are invited for four (4) Associate Editor Positions for The Counseling Psychologist, the official journal of the Society of Counseling Psychology, a division of the American Psychological Association. The appointment will be for two years with the option to renew it twice for a total of six years. Application deadline is May 1, 2018. For more information, please go to here.
Strategic Planning Update
As you may know, SCP has embarked on a strategic planning effort to ensure that its work and future areas of focus address the needs, trends, and goals of all SCP members. The strategic planning STG, co-chaired by Tania Israel and John Westefeld, is continuing the work they began last fall, working with a consulting firm that has been hired to collaborate with us on this process. In addition to phone interviews, a survey, and retreat will be conducted. For more in-depth information about this planning process, please visit “SCP Connect” here.
Rapid Response Protocol The SCP Executive Board approved a Rapid Response Protocol during its March 26, 2018 Executive Board Meeting. This protocol is intended to address and respond to salient issues that impact our communities and our work. To read the approved response, please go to here.
2018 APA Annual Conference Registration Opening – April 16 Registration for the 2018 APA Annual Conference, August 9 – 12, San Francisco, opens Monday, April 16. More information on this can be found at
2018 SCP Ballot The SCP Ballot will be sent to all members electronically on April 16. Please look for a notice about this in your email. The positions to be voted on during this election cycle include president elect, VP for practice, VP for Science, and two APA council representatives. The ballot will close on May 30.
The Derald Wing Sue Award For Distinguished Contributions to Multicultural Counseling – Deadline for Nominations: April 15, 2018 Please check the Society’s website: or see the flyer with for details:
2018 Great Lakes Conference, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI – April 13 – 14, 2018 The conference theme is “Respectful Dialogues and Beyond: What Are We Doing?” Click HERE for registration and call for proposals.
APA: San Francisco, CA- August 8-12, 2018: SCP Hospitality Space Requests – Deadline April 30 The Division 17 Hospitality Space will be located at: Hotel Nikko San Francisco, 222 Mason St, San Francisco, CA 94102 To request meeting space in the Hospitality Space please submit your request via the Link – Questions can be directed to Kerrie Wilkins-Yel, Hospitality Space Committee Chair, and Julie Koch, Hospitality Space Committee Chair-Elect, [email protected].
Feedback Welcome!
We welcome your feedback on SCP priorities and activities. I encourage you to reach out to me or any other member of the SCP Executive Board to share your thoughts, perspectives, and concerns. Contact information for Executive Board members can be found at

Arpana G. Inman, Ph.D. President, Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17, American Psychological Association
Posted on: March 30th, 2018