Presidential Announcement – October 2017Dear SCP Member and Affiliates Colleagues, This continues to be a stressful month for many of our colleagues, family, and friends. Puerto Rico continues to grapple with lack of power and other resources in the after math of Hurricane Maria, as well as our citizens and colleagues in the US Virgin Islands, who are also being left out of public awareness, significant press coverage, and access to help and resources. Those in the Sonoma and Napa areas are continuing to recover from the horrific fires. In addition to donating funds through different organizations, a local university in my area is helping in a unique way: Also, here is a link on how to help those affected in Sonoma and Napa: Do continue to reach out and offer support and keep them in your prayers. The following list of SCP announcements and news items may be of interest to you: SCP Endorses Rosie Phillips Davis, Ph.D. for President – There is still time to vote (deadline – October 30). You can learn more about Rosie by going to her website: By now, you should have received an email, or hard copy ballot if your email is not on file with APA, of the 2018 APA presidential election so that you can vote for Rosie. We need to advocate for her far and wide. Reach out to at least 10 APA members from other divisions that are the unusual suspects. If you have not received your APA ballot, please contact Garnett Coad, [email protected]. 2017 APA Bylaws Amendments Ballot Coming Soon Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS) Webinar Recording Soon Available – Self-Care Among Graduate Students in Counseling Psychology 2018 APA Annual Conference Call for Division Program Proposals – December 1, 2017, Deadline The 2018 APA Convention will be held in San Francisco, CA. (August 9 – August 12, Thursday through Sunday). The Call for Proposals is available on the APA website, Proposals must be submitted electronically via the APA website. 2018 SCP Theme: President Arpana Inman’s program theme for Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP) is Leadership through Advocacy: Influencing and Advancing Change. We invite symposia (50 minutes), roundtables, and posters that focus on this theme and presidential initiatives. Please note that we are not accepting paper presentations. See for more information on the mission, goals, and approaches of Counseling Psychology. More information about convention related deadlines and programming can be found at Contact SCP’s Program Chair for the 2018 convention, Melissa Morgan Consoli ([email protected]) with any questions, and/or SCP President Arpana Inman ([email protected]). 2018 APA Annual Conference Call for Reviewers – October 31, 2017 Extended Deadline After the December 1, 2017 APA submission deadline, proposals will be distributed to reviewers online by December 11, 2017. All reviews have to be returned online no later than December 22, 2017. Each program committee member will receive 8 to 12 proposals and will have access to proposals via the APA online convention program system, which allow submission of reviews on-line. If you wish to serve in this capacity or would like more information, please contact Melissa Morgan Consoli, Ph.D., 2018 Program Committee Chair, University of California Santa Barbara, [email protected]. Society of Counseling Psychology Awards – November 15, Deadline Jessica Henderson Daniels Citizen Psychologist – June 1, 2018 Deadline
More information can be found by going to: Lets nominate our colleagues. You may send your nominations to SCP President at [email protected] or to Le Ondra Clark Harvey at [email protected]. Opportunities to Get Involved! Self-Care We welcome your feedback on all SCP priorities and activities. I encourage you to reach out to me or any member of the SCP Executive Board to share your thoughts or perspectives. Contact information for Executive Board members can be found at Best, Arpana Arpana G. Inman, Ph.D., [email protected] President, Society of Counseling Psychology (Div17, APA) Posted on: October 29th, 2017 |