Presidential Announcement – November 2017Dear SCP Member and Affiliates Colleagues, This upcoming holiday season is a time for reflections. While I recognize that we have been going through some rough times, we also have friends, family members, colleagues, students who have accomplished much. I hope that you can celebrate these important milestones and achievements and give thanks for those moments as well as relationships that have been important to you. And now for some SCP announcements. The following list of SCP announcements and news items may be of interest to you: Rosie Phillips Davis, Ph.D. Elected APA President! 2018 APA Annual Conference Call for Division Program Proposals – December 1, 2017, Deadline The 2018 APA Convention will be held in San Francisco, CA. (August 9 – August 12, Thursday through Sunday). The Call for Proposals is available on the APA website, Proposals must be submitted electronically via the APA website. 2018 SCP Theme: President Arpana Inman’s program theme for Division 17, Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP) is Leadership through Advocacy: Influencing and Advancing Change. We invite symposia (50 minutes), roundtables, and posters that focus on this theme and presidential initiatives. Please note that we are not accepting paper presentations. See for more information on the mission, goals, and approaches of Counseling Psychology. More information about convention related deadlines and programming can be found at: Contact SCP’s Program Chair for the 2018 convention, Melissa Morgan Consoli ([email protected]) with any questions, and/or SCP President Arpana Inman ([email protected]). Two Important Votes! On November 15, you received another email ballot from APA concerning the APPORTIONMENT vote. The APPORTIONMENT vote is different from the by-laws vote. We need your vote on both. The APPORTIONMENT ballot that you received on November 15 is important in that it determines Division 17’s strength and voice on APA’s Council of Representatives. The more APPORTIONMENT votes we get from you, the more Council members we have representing us (Division 17) in APA, so please exercise your voting rights by taking the necessary steps to vote on the APPORTIONMENT ballot. I understand that you may have some other commitments for your apportionment ballot votes, but please include Division 17 in your share of votes. If you can’t give all 10 votes to Division 17, please consider giving 5. If you can’t give five, please give 3 votes to Division 17. What else can you do to help strengthen Division 17’s voice in APA governance? Please ask your colleagues who are APA members to vote. Please mentor junior colleagues about the importance Division 17’s representation on APA Council and their ability to enhance our representation by submitting their APPORTIONMENT ballots. The most important thing is that you take the time to vote as soon as you see the email from APA. For most of us, delay means we never get around to voting. If all our Division 17 members voted on the apportionment ballot, we could easily go from 3 to 4 Division 17 representatives to Council. And when you vote, post on our Facebook page and Twitter feed. It will encourage and remind others to follow your example. Finally regardless of how you submit your votes, it is important that you vote! More information can be found here: Jessica Henderson Daniels Citizen Psychologist – June 1, 2018 Deadline
More information can be found by going to: Lets nominate our colleagues. You may send your nominations to SCP President at [email protected] or to Le Ondra Clark Harvey at [email protected]. Self-Care We welcome your feedback on all SCP priorities and activities. I encourage you to reach out to me or any member of the SCP Executive Board to share your thoughts or perspectives. Contact information for Executive Board members can be found at
Arpana G. Inman, Ph.D., [email protected] Posted on: November 20th, 2017 |