Nourish and fortify yourself on January 20th with social justice and activism inspiration and strategies! Join us at the webinar below:

Believing Black Lives Matter: Integrating Strategy and Spontaneity in Social Movement for Students and Early Career Professionals

Candice Crowell, PhD, Jameca Falconer, PhD, and Reuben Faloughi, M.Ed.

January 20, 2017 (Friday) at 12:00 pm EDT/11:00 am CDT/9:00 am PDT

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Here’s a YouTube recording of the webinar:

What does it look like when we believe Black Lives Matter at the systemic, organizational, community, interpersonal, and intrapsychic levels? This webinar will build on the work of Black Lives Matter activism in and outside of counseling psychology to detail attitudinal and positional strategies that forward social justice. The webinar will also highlight a theory of spontaneity to guide when and how to go “off script” to engage creative methods of social movement. Practice, education/training, research, and leadership implications will be discussed.

Tags: Posted on: January 15th, 2017