Early Career Professionals Committee – January 2016
During our annual business meeting, we thanked Drs. Dom Scalise (4-year-term, outgoing chair), Ji-yeon Lee (3-year term) and Monique Shah Kulkarni (3-year term) for their service to the committee. Nadia Hasan, PhD concluded her term as chair and “passed the gavel” to Valene Augusta, PhD. We also welcomed Drs. Elizabeth C. Terrazas-Carrillo, Candice Crowell, and Melanie M. Lantz who began their 3-year terms at convention. Check out Valene’s chair welcome message and Elizabeth, Candice, and Melanie’s biographies on the SCP-ECP Webpage (https://scp.wpengine.com/ecps/) to learn more about their experience and vision. We would also like to congratulate our 2015 ECP Travel Grant Award winners: Drs. Hanako Suzuki and Kimberly Langrehr Looking ahead, we anticipate offering another set of travel grants for ECPs in Division 17 in 2016. We are also hoping continue to address the committee’s mission of representing the interests of ECPs within the Society, by increasing our use of social media and by surveying members to better understand their needs. Finally, our committee is planning our programming for the 2016 APA Convention, and we hope to continue to provide interesting and relevant offerings. If there are topics you would like to see addressed, please contact the current chair. Valene Whittaker, PhD ([email protected]). Submitted by: Tiffany O’Shaughnessy, PhD – Chair-Elect Tags: Early Career Professionals |