Dear SCP Members,

APA2014_7I am writing to share with you the 2016 SCP Election results. First, I want to commend and express our gratitude for all candidates on our 2016 SCP ballot! Each was committed to sharing their unique talents, abilities and qualities of leadership within SCP!

invite you to congratulate the following new incoming SCP leaders:

SCP President-Elect –  Arpana Inman

SCP V.P. Communications and Technology  –  Louise Douce

SCP Treasurer  –  Susan Kashubeck-West

SCP V.P. for Education and Training  –  Michael Scheel

SCP APA Council Representative (Minority-Slate)  –  William Parham

We look forward to their significant and meaningful contributions,
engagements, and promotion of SCP values and goals for members!


SCP Past President
Chair, Nominations Committee

Tags: Posted on: July 13th, 2016