2016 December Announcements

Presidential Announcements

December 2016
SCP/Division 17 would like to wish everyone a very happy and joyous New Year!

Awards Deadline Extended!

The call for professional awards nominations deadline, Society of Counseling Psychology, Division 17, has been extended to January 6, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. EST.

A list of the professional awards can be found at the awards website: https://scp.wpengine.com/about-scp/awards/scp-awards/ In order to nominate a colleague, please follow the specific instructions on the awards website, as some awards have differing nomination requirements. All completed nominations should be emailed to [email protected], although if you have questions about the awards process, feel free to contact awards chair Paul Perrin at [email protected].

Here is a summary of the awards: 

Professional Awards

The Leona Tyler Award for Lifetime Achievement in Counseling Psychology
The Leona Tyler Award for Lifetime Achievement in Counseling Psychology is given to stimulate and reward distinguished contributions in research or professional achievement in Counseling Psychology. The Award – the Society’s most prestigious – honors Dr. Tyler, who was the former President of both the Society and the American Psychological Association.

The John Holland Award
The John Holland Award for Outstanding Achievement in Career and Personality Research is given for notable research on career and personality topics. This award is for mid-level professionals who have received their doctorate degrees between 10 and 20 years ago. The award has an associated monetary prize, which was initiated and funded by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

The John D. Black Award
The John D. Black Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Practice of Counseling Psychology is given to stimulate and reward outstanding achievement in the practice of Counseling Psychology. The monetary prize associated with the award is donated by Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.

The Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Counseling Psychology
The Fritz & Linn Kuder Early Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Counseling Psychology was established to honor distinguished scientific contributions by an early career psychologist (ECP) to Counseling Psychology. The recipient must have received the doctorate degree within the past ten years. The award, which includes a monetary prize from SCP, is made for outstanding contributions to the science and practice of counseling psychology.

Early Career Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Counseling Psychology
The Early Career Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Counseling Psychology was established to honor distinguished professional contributions by an early career psychologist (ECP) to Counseling Psychology. The award, which includes a monetary prize from SCP, is made for an established record of the practice of and leadership in counseling psychology.

The Dorothy Booz Black Award
The Dorothy Booz Black Award for Outstanding Achievement in Counseling Health Psychology is given to encourage and award outstanding research and practice in counseling health psychology. The award has an associated monetary prize, which is funded by Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc. Nominees must have made a primary contribution in research and practice of counseling health psychology focused on health-related processes and outcomes.

The Social Justice Award
The Social Justice Award is given to a living SCP member* with a degree in counseling psychology or demonstrated identity as a counseling psychologist. Nominees must have a sustained commitment to counseling psychology, community involvement, and diversity, as well as demonstrated evidence of achieving community or organizational change that supports disenfranchised, disempowered, less privileged, or oppressed groups. This commitment to social justice also must provide a larger impact on practice, research, and scholarship in the field. The associated monetary award is funded by the editors of The Handbook of Social Justice in Counseling Psychology.

*The award also may be given to a small group whose collaborative work meets the spirit of the award (and in which case the lead nominee must meet all criteria above).

The Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award
The Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award acknowledges career contributions to Counseling Psychology via excellence in mentoring. This award is for professionals who have provided mentoring throughout their careers

2017 National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS)

Last call to join your SCP Executive Board and many other SCP colleagues at the 2017 National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS), January 4 – 6, Portland, OR.

Register, by going to: http://multiculturalsummit.wixsite.com/nmcs-2017/registration

Call the hotel to see if there are still rooms: the Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront Hotel: Phone: 1-503-226-7600.

The schedule at a glance can be found by going to:

The complete program can be found by going to:

For more information about the NMCS, go to http://www.multiculturalsummit.org.

2017 Great Lakes Conference – March 31 – April 2, 2017

2017 Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference

“Get in on the Action! Science, Practice, and Social Change”
Friday and Saturday, March 31 – April 1, 2017
Ball State University
L. A. Pittenger Student Center
Muncie, Indiana

Submit your proposals

Submit your proposals by January 13th, 2017. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be given on February 10th, 2017.

The 2017 Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference is firmly rooted in the history of counseling psychology, while recognizing the importance of taking ACTION through science, practice, and social change activities. This is the 29th Anniversary of the Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference. The keynote address will be given by Martin Heesacker, SCP/D17 President and is entitled “Counseling Psychology in the Trump Era.”

Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend and submit poster, paper, symposium, and roundtable proposals. Online registration for the conference opens on January 1st, 2017. If you have questions, please email [email protected].

Hosted by: Ball State’s Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology and Counseling

Feedback Welcome!
We welcome your feedback on SCP priorities and activities. I encourage you to reach out to me or any other member of the SCP Executive Board to share your thoughts, perspectives, and concerns. Contact information for Executive Board members can be found at scp.wpengine.com/.


Martin Heesacker, Ph.D.
President, Society of Counseling Psychology (Div17, APA)
[email protected]

Tags: Posted on: January 22nd, 2017