2015 October-November AnnouncementsAPA 2015 President-elect election OPENED September 15 and CLOSES at 11:59 p.m., U.S. eastern daylight time on October 29, 2015 – Please vote! SCP’s Executive Board voted to endorse the following candidates for APA President, in rank order:
Each of these candidates reflects our values as Counseling Psychologists. Please visit http://apa.org/about/governance/elections/president-elect-candidates.aspx to read candidate biographies, statements, and short video messages. 2015 SCP Elections – Nominations Needed
SCP 2016 Midyear Meeting and Call for Midyear Reports – Friday, January 29th through Sunday, January 31st Our SCP Midyear meeting will be held from Friday, January 29th through Sunday, January 31st in Savannah, GA. The Call for Midyear Reports was recently sent out on 10/22/15. If you hold a leadership position within the Division, please be sure to submit one report for each position by Friday, November 20, 2015. The Midyear Report form is available here, https://www.dropbox.com/s/cip60hp0ue7ilpc/TEMPLATE-SCP%20Mid%20Year%20Report%20Form%20_Due%20Nov%2020.doc?dl=0
Division 17 Gets Technical – Now Offering Online Webinars The Division has recently purchased a GoToWebinar account to help connect our members with our Vice Presidents. We will begin to offer numerous online webinars and will be offering APA CE Credits when possible. Our first online webinar will be held on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 8:00 PM, Eastern Time. This webinar, “Internship process: Learning beyond the basics,” will provide a great opportunity for graduate students to obtain vital information for the post-application internship processes, such as interviewing, initial decisions/ranking, transitioning into the intern role, post-doc and faculty applications, and unique concerns for Counseling Psychology students. The target audience is current Student Affiliates of Seventeen (SAS) members, although program training directors and faculty may also be interested in this program and are invited to attend. There is no cost for registration or participation in the webinar. The link to signup for the webinar is https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5601637179735839489 2016 APA Annual Convention in Denver! The 2016 APA Convention will be held in Denver, Colorado (August 4th – August 7th; Thursday through Sunday). The Call for Proposals is available in the September 2014 issue of the APA Monitor and on the APA website http://www.apa.org/convention/. Please note that there are two different submission deadlines: The Collaborative Programming proposals deadline has passed. If you submitted (or are part of) a Collaborative Program, you will hear from the review committee by the middle of November. Division proposals are due Tuesday, December 1, 2054. Division Proposal submissions must be submitted electronically via the APA website. PLEASE NOTE THAT PROGRAM SUBMISSION DEADLINES ARE NO LONGER MIDNIGHT AND WILL NOW BE AT 5:00 PM EST (2:00 PM PST; 3:00 PM CST). SCP 2016 Theme: We invite posters, roundtables, and 1-hour (50 minute) symposia addressing this year’s themes of education/training, the dissemination of data-based scholarship, and competent practice in applied settings. See https://scp.wpengine.com for more information on the mission, goals, and approaches of Counseling Psychology. Call for Reviewers: The Program Committee is actively recruiting reviewers who are professionals in various academic and practice roles across diverse workplace settings as well as advanced doctoral students in SCP. Please contact Skylar Siminovsky ([email protected]) if you would like to serve on this year’s Program Committee. Tags: APA Convention, Continuing Education, SCP Elections, Students |